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Alabama Locksmith License

In Alabama, locksmiths are required to be licensed by the Alabama Electronic Security Board of Licensure (AESBL) in order to operate legally. To obtain a locksmith license in Alabama, an individual must meet certain eligibility requirements and complete a series of steps.

Firstly, an individual must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. They must also pass a criminal background check and submit fingerprints to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Next, the individual must complete a locksmith training program that is approved by the AESBL. The program must consist of at least 40 hours of classroom instruction, covering topics such as key identification, lock picking, installation and repair, and safe servicing. The individual must also complete at least eight hours of hands-on training under the supervision of a licensed locksmith.

Once the training program is completed, the individual must pass a written examination that tests their knowledge of locksmithing principles, techniques, and ethics. The examination is administered by a third-party testing service and covers topics such as key blank identification, lock installation, and key duplication.

After passing the examination, the individual must submit an application to the AESBL, along with a fee and proof of insurance. The insurance must provide coverage of at least $100,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.

Once the application is approved, the individual will receive a locksmith license from the AESBL, which is valid for one year. To renew the license, the individual must complete eight hours of continuing education each year, which must be approved by the AESBL.

In conclusion, becoming a licensed locksmith in Alabama requires meeting certain eligibility requirements, completing an approved locksmith training program, passing a written examination, and obtaining insurance. The AESBL plays a crucial role in ensuring that locksmiths in Alabama are properly trained and qualified to provide locksmithing services, and licensing helps to protect the public from unscrupulous or unqualified locksmiths.

Alabama Fingerprint Solutions provides fingerprint services in multiple locations. If you are seeking your Alabama locksmith license and need to be fingerprinted make an appointment with us using the “Make an Appointment” button below. If you need to be fingerprinted for licenses in another state, we can provide cards for those states too. We can keep your fingerprints on file securely so that when you need to submit for another background check we can reprint your cards without need for another fingerprinting session. Give us a call if you have questions.

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